Richmond Hill Nomination Candidate
Conservative Party

Your Voice for a Safer, Stronger, and More Affordable

Richmond Hill





Standing Together for a Better
Richmond Hill

Dmytro Bakeyev has been an integral part of the Richmond Hill community, actively engaging with residents, businesses, and organizations to address local needs and concerns. His dedication to fostering a united and inclusive community has earned him widespread support from individuals across all walks of life. From organizing neighbourhood clean-up initiatives to advocating for improved public services, Dmytro’s passion for Richmond Hill shines through in every endeavour. With a track record of collaboration and a deep understanding of the issues facing our community, Dmytro is the nomination candidate we can trust to bring positive change to Richmond Hill.

“Dmytro’s unwavering commitment to Richmond Hill is exactly what we need. He listens, he cares, and he gets things done”

Living well in
Richmond Hill.

Dmytro Bakeyev is acutely aware of the pressing issues that confront our community, and he is unwaveringly dedicated to providing tangible solutions. As we grapple with escalating housing costs, strained public services, and concerns about community safety, Dmytro stands ready to lead the charge in addressing these challenges. With a background rooted in finance and a successful track record as a local business owner, Dmytro possesses the strategic acumen and hands-on experience necessary to navigate complex issues and implement effective solutions. Moreover, his deep-seated commitment to public service and his intimate understanding of the fabric of Richmond Hill ensure that he is not only equipped to tackle these challenges but also genuinely invested in the well-being of every resident. Dmytro Bakeyev is the candidate who will roll up his sleeves and work tirelessly to safeguard the prosperity and vitality of Richmond Hill, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to live well and thrive in our community.