Prioritizing Our Community, Driving Positive Change

"Richmond Hill deserves better – it's time for real solutions and tangible results. By focusing on affordability, community safety, and fostering economic growth, we can build a stronger, more prosperous future for all residents. Together, let's work towards a Richmond Hill where every family can thrive and every individual can achieve their dreams."


Dmytro Bakeyev understands the challenges facing Richmond Hill residents when it comes to affordability. From housing costs to everyday expenses, families are feeling the squeeze. Dmytro is committed to implementing policies that ease financial burdens, such as lowering tax burden on residents and advocating for affordable housing initiatives. By prioritizing affordability, Dmytro aims to ensure that Richmond Hill remains an accessible and welcoming community for all.


Ensuring the safety of Richmond Hill's neighborhoods is paramount to Dmytro Bakeyev. He recognizes the importance of investing in community policing, enhancing crime prevention programs, and fostering partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. Dmytro will work tirelessly to address concerns about crime and safety, making it a top priority to ensure that families feel secure in their homes and communities.


Dmytro Bakeyev is a staunch advocate for Richmond Hill's local businesses, which are the backbone of our economy. He understands the importance of fostering an environment where businesses can thrive, create jobs, and contribute to the vitality of our community. Dmytro will champion initiatives to support small businesses, cut red tape, and attract investment to Richmond Hill, ensuring that our local economy remains strong and resilient.


Dmytro Bakeyev is committed to restoring transparency and accountability in Richmond Hill's government. He believes in open and honest communication with residents, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed. Dmytro will push for greater transparency in decision-making processes and advocate for measures to prevent waste and red-tape. By promoting transparency and accountability, Dmytro aims to build trust and confidence in Richmond Hill's governance and empower residents to actively participate in shaping the future of our community.

Join the Movement, Secure

Richmond Hill's Future

Get Your Conservative Membership and Vote Dmytro Bakeyev for a Stronger, Safer, and More Affordable Community!